Limited Shop until December 8
TLDR: The shop is going to have limited items available November 16, 2024 through December 7, 2024. What you're seeing is the shop without stickers, small prints, and earrings.All items will be returning to the shop on December 8!
That's the most important info, but the reason behind it is that I will be away from home for 3 weeks so items that I ship myself will not be available while I'm out. Items that ship directly from the printer are still shoppable! Once I am back I will let folks know via social media and email newsletter when they need to make orders by to receive them by Christmas. I'm going to Wisconsin to help my mom care for my uncle who just had heart surgery. I'm gonna be working the day job remotely, and be Mom's moral support.
I just wanted to leave some evidence here for anyone searching for shop shenanigan explanations.
Just saying if you want a cool new poster for your office or living room, there are some good ones here. :)
Ciao for now,
Dani Dodge
(Owner, Artist at Studio Dodge)